ZenScript main repository
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Started working on propagating a logger object instead of having to resort to Sysout
4 年前
BuiltinCompilePlugin.java Continue work on storage tags. WIP on compile plugins. 6 年前
CompilePlugin.java Continue work on storage tags. WIP on compile plugins. 6 年前
CompileScope.java - Added support for zipped packages - Simplified compilation process somewhat; removed CompilationUnit class and work more module-oriented instead 6 年前
CompilerOutput.java - Moved package zenscript.shared to zencode.shared 6 年前
ModuleReference.java Simplified dependencies and the build tree with some minor refactoring. 6 年前
ModuleRegistry.java Simplified dependencies and the build tree with some minor refactoring. 6 年前
Target.java Started working on propagating a logger object instead of having to resort to Sysout 4 年前
TargetType.java - Improving compilation system to have compilation targets 6 年前
ZenCodeCompiler.java Simplified dependencies and the build tree with some minor refactoring. 6 年前
ZenCodeCompilingModule.java - Fix various bugs in the new system - Slightly improved the way modules are compiled 6 年前