/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.openzen.drawablegui; import org.openzen.drawablegui.draw.DDrawnRectangle; import org.openzen.drawablegui.draw.DDrawnShape; import org.openzen.drawablegui.draw.DDrawnText; import org.openzen.drawablegui.listeners.ListenerHandle; import org.openzen.drawablegui.live.LiveObject; import org.openzen.drawablegui.live.LiveString; import org.openzen.drawablegui.live.MutableLiveObject; import org.openzen.drawablegui.live.MutableLiveString; import org.openzen.drawablegui.style.DDimension; import org.openzen.drawablegui.style.DStyleClass; /** * * @author Hoofdgebruiker */ public class DInputField implements DComponent { public final MutableLiveString value; private final ListenerHandle<LiveString.Listener> valueListener; private final DStyleClass styleClass; private final MutableLiveObject<DSizing> sizing = DSizing.create(); private DIRectangle bounds = DIRectangle.EMPTY; private final DDimension preferredWidth; private DComponentContext context; private DInputFieldStyle style; private DFontMetrics fontMetrics; private int cursorFrom = -1; private int cursorTo = -1; private Runnable onEnter = null; private Runnable onEscape = null; private boolean cursorBlink = true; private DTimerHandle blinkTimer; private DDrawnShape shape; private DDrawnText text; private DDrawnRectangle cursor; private DDrawnRectangle selection; public DInputField(DStyleClass styleClass, MutableLiveString value, DDimension preferredWidth) { this.styleClass = styleClass; this.value = value; this.preferredWidth = preferredWidth; valueListener = value.addListener((oldValue, newValue) -> handleValueUpdated(newValue)); cursorFrom = 0; cursorTo = value.getValue().length(); } public void setOnEnter(Runnable onEnter) { this.onEnter = onEnter; } public void setOnEscape(Runnable onEscape) { this.onEscape = onEscape; } @Override public void close() { valueListener.close(); unmount(); } @Override public void mount(DComponentContext parent) { context = parent.getChildContext("input", styleClass); style = context.getStyle(DInputFieldStyle::new); fontMetrics = context.getFontMetrics(style.font); sizing.setValue(new DSizing( preferredWidth.evalInt(context.getUIContext()) + style.margin.getHorizontal() + style.border.getPaddingHorizontal(), fontMetrics.getAscent() + fontMetrics.getDescent() + style.margin.getVertical() + style.border.getPaddingVertical())); if (blinkTimer != null) blinkTimer.close(); blinkTimer = context.getUIContext().setTimer(300, this::blink); if (text != null) text.close(); text = parent.drawText( 2, style.font, style.color, bounds.x + style.margin.left + style.border.getPaddingLeft(), bounds.y + style.margin.top + style.border.getPaddingTop() + fontMetrics.getAscent(), value.getValue()); if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); cursor = parent.fillRect(3, DIRectangle.EMPTY, cursorBlink ? style.cursorColor : 0); if (selection != null) selection.close(); selection = parent.fillRect(1, DIRectangle.EMPTY, 0); setCursor(cursorFrom, cursorTo); } @Override public void unmount() { blinkTimer.close(); if (style != null) style.border.close(); if (shape != null) shape.close(); if (text != null) text.close(); if (cursor != null) cursor.close(); if (selection != null) selection.close(); } private void blink() { cursorBlink = !cursorBlink; cursor.setColor(cursorBlink ? style.cursorColor : 0); } @Override public LiveObject<DSizing> getSizing() { return sizing; } @Override public DIRectangle getBounds() { return bounds; } @Override public int getBaselineY() { return style.margin.top + style.border.getPaddingTop() + fontMetrics.getAscent(); } @Override public void setBounds(DIRectangle bounds) { this.bounds = bounds; setCursor(cursorFrom, cursorTo); if (shape != null) shape.close(); shape = context.fillPath(0, style.shape.instance(style.margin.apply(bounds)), DTransform2D.IDENTITY, style.backgroundColor); text.setPosition( bounds.x + style.margin.left + style.border.getPaddingLeft(), bounds.y + style.margin.top + style.border.getPaddingTop() + fontMetrics.getAscent()); style.border.update(context, bounds); } @Override public void onMouseEnter(DMouseEvent e) { context.getUIContext().setCursor(DUIContext.Cursor.TEXT); } @Override public void onMouseExit(DMouseEvent e) { context.getUIContext().setCursor(DUIContext.Cursor.NORMAL); } @Override public void onMouseClick(DMouseEvent e) { context.getUIContext().getWindow().focus(this); } @Override public void onKeyPressed(DKeyEvent e) { boolean shift = e.has(DKeyEvent.SHIFT); switch (e.keyCode) { case UP: setCursor(0, 0); break; case DOWN: setCursor(value.getValue().length(), value.getValue().length()); break; case LEFT: { int to = Math.max(0, cursorTo - 1); setCursor(shift ? cursorFrom : to, to); break; } case RIGHT: { int to = Math.min(value.getValue().length(), cursorTo + 1); setCursor(shift ? cursorFrom : to, to); break; } case DELETE: delete(); break; case BACKSPACE: backspace(); break; case ENTER: enter(); break; case ESCAPE: escape(); break; default: if (e.character == DKeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED) return; insert(Character.toString(e.character)); break; } } private void setCursor(int from, int to) { cursorFrom = from; cursorTo = to; int cursorXFrom = fontMetrics.getWidth(value.getValue(), 0, Math.min(cursorFrom, cursorTo)); int cursorXTo = fontMetrics.getWidth(value.getValue(), 0, Math.max(cursorFrom, cursorTo)); if (cursorFrom != cursorTo) { selection.setRectangle(new DIRectangle( bounds.x + style.margin.left + style.border.getPaddingLeft() + cursorXFrom, bounds.y + style.margin.top + style.border.getPaddingTop(), cursorXTo - cursorXFrom, fontMetrics.getAscent() + fontMetrics.getDescent())); selection.setColor(style.selectionColor); } else { selection.setColor(0); } cursor.setRectangle(new DIRectangle( bounds.x + style.margin.left + style.border.getPaddingLeft() + cursorXTo, bounds.y + style.margin.top + style.border.getPaddingTop(), style.cursorWidth, fontMetrics.getAscent() + fontMetrics.getDescent())); } private void handleValueUpdated(String newValue) { if (text != null) text.close(); text = context.drawText( 2, style.font, style.color, bounds.x + style.margin.left + style.border.getPaddingLeft(), bounds.y + style.margin.top + style.border.getPaddingTop() + fontMetrics.getAscent(), value.getValue()); } private void backspace() { if (cursorFrom == 0 && cursorTo == 0) return; if (cursorFrom == cursorTo) { value.setValue(value.getValue().substring(0, cursorFrom - 1) + value.getValue().substring(cursorFrom)); setCursor(cursorFrom - 1, cursorTo - 1); } else { int from = Math.min(cursorFrom, cursorTo); int to = Math.max(cursorFrom, cursorTo); setCursor(from, from); value.setValue(value.getValue().substring(0, from) + value.getValue().substring(to)); } } private void delete() { if (cursorFrom == 0 && cursorTo == 0) return; if (cursorFrom == cursorTo) { if (cursorFrom < value.getValue().length()) { value.setValue(value.getValue().substring(0, cursorFrom) + value.getValue().substring(cursorFrom + 1)); } } else { int from = Math.min(cursorFrom, cursorTo); int to = Math.max(cursorFrom, cursorTo); setCursor(from, from); value.setValue(value.getValue().substring(0, from) + value.getValue().substring(to)); } } private void insert(String value) { int from = Math.min(cursorFrom, cursorTo); int to = Math.max(cursorFrom, cursorTo); this.value.setValue(this.value.getValue().substring(0, from) + value + this.value.getValue().substring(to)); setCursor(from + value.length(), from + value.length()); } private void enter() { if (onEnter != null) onEnter.run(); } private void escape() { if (onEscape != null) onEscape.run(); } }