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build.gradle 1.1KB

  1. // Note: "common.gradle" in the root project contains additional initialization
  2. // for this project. This initialization is applied in the "build.gradle"
  3. // of the root project.
  4. // NetBeans will automatically add "run" and "debug" tasks relying on the
  5. // "mainClass" property. You may however define the property prior executing
  6. // tasks by passing a "-PmainClass=<QUALIFIED_CLASS_NAME>" argument.
  7. //
  8. // Note however, that you may define your own "run" and "debug" task if you
  9. // prefer. In this case NetBeans will not add these tasks but you may rely on
  10. // your own implementation.
  11. if (!hasProperty('mainClass')) {
  12. ext.mainClass = 'org.openzen.zenscript.scriptingexample.Main'
  13. }
  14. dependencies {
  15. compile project(':JavaIntegration')
  16. testCompile group: "org.junit.jupiter", name: "junit-jupiter", version: "5.4.2"
  17. testRuntime group: "org.junit.jupiter", name: "junit-jupiter", version: "5.4.2"
  18. }
  19. processResources {
  20. dependsOn(":StdLibs:zipItUp")
  21. from files(evaluationDependsOn(":StdLibs").tasks.getByName("zipItUp").outputs)
  22. }
  23. test {
  24. //useJUnitPlatform()
  25. testLogging{
  26. events "PASSED", "FAILED", "SKIPPED"
  27. }
  28. }